A peer reviewed International online Journal.
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Welcome to IJSSM
A Scholarly Publishing Journal
The “International Journal of Social Sciences and Management” (IJSSM) is an international online journal in English language committed to publish quarterly without any unnecessary delay.  To publish peer reviewed research and review articles describing recent advances and applied aspects of social sciences and management education & research is the only aim of IJSSM.
Current Issue

Submit your Manuscript for Vol. 11, Issue 3 (July, 2024); Deadline for Manuscript Submission: June 15, 2024.
Archive Issues
Vol. 1, Issue 1       Vol. 1, Issue 2
Vol. 1, Issue 3       Vol. 1, Issue 4

Vol. 2, Issue 1       Vol. 2, Issue 2
Vol. 2, Issue 3       Vol. 2, Issue 4

Vol. 3, Issue 1       Vol. 3, Issue 2
Vol. 3, Issue 3       Vol. 3, Issue 4

Vol. 4, Issue 1       Vol. 4, Issue 2
Vol. 4, Issue 3       Vol. 4, Issue 4

Vol. 5, Issue 1      Vol. 5, Issue 2
Vol. 5, Issue 3      Vol. 5, Issue 4

Vol. 6, Issue 1        Vol. 6, Issue 2
Vol. 6, Issue 3        Vol. 6, Issue 4

Vol. 7, Issue 1        Vol. 7, Issue 1
Vol. 7, Issue 3        Vol. 7, Issue 4

Vol. 8, Issue 1       Vol. 8, Issue 2
Vol. 8, Issue 3       Vol. 8, Issue 4

Vol. 9, Issue 1       Vol. 9, Issue 2
Vol. 9, Issue 3       Vol. 9, Issue 3

Vol. 10, Issue 1    Vol. 10, Issue 2
Vol. 10, Issue 3    Vol. 10, Issue 4

Copyright Information
Publication is proceeded after copyright transfer agreement form (Cover letter & Authorization form) signed by authors. IJSSM holds the copyright of all articles published in this journal.
Submit your Manuscript on various categories:
Research article, Review articles, Mini Reviews, Short Communication, Case Studies etc.
All areas of Social Sciences & Management are considered for publication
Publication schedule
January, April, July & October (Last Week).
Cover page PDF [Vol-11, Issue-(1-2)]
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Author's contribution form